APNSoft.com - Web Controls, components for ASP.NET
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ASP.NET Controls

ASP.NET ComboBox
The professional replacement for the classic ASP.NET DropDownList component.

ASP.NET DataGrid
The server control to display data in a tabular format with options of choice, sorting and editing entries.

ASP.NET Include
The server control to include a HTML files into your ASP.NET pages as Server Side Includes (SSI).

The server control to display both statically and dynamically created menus on your Web pages.

ASP.NET Rating
The server control to easily provide feedback on an article, blog item, product description, etc.

ASP.NET TreeView
The ASP.NET server control to display hierarchical data in a tree structure.

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We offer 30% discount for academic users on the base of the regular prices. We also offer 15% discount for governmental departments, charities, churches and other non-profit groups. Please contact us. You will be required to prove your status as a member of that organization. After approval you get a coupon code to order with discount.

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